Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Maintaining Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are extremely thin casings of ceramic that are bonded to the front of a patients’ tooth to create a new smile. Porcelain veneers are placed over the front of teeth that appear too small or large, slightly discolored, or simply are not cosmetically pleasing to the patient. If you do decide to get this procedure the next step is to make a consultation appointment with an experienced dentist in New York. The will be able to determine whether or not porcelain veneers are the best process to make the changes you want in your smile.

During your consultation you will want to make sure you clearly tell the dentist what changes you are looking for. The cosmetic dentist in New York will then let you know if all these changes are possible and the extent of work it will take.

During your appointment they may need to take photographs or x-ray, or sometimes both to gain all the information to reach a decision. Dental impressions are also sometimes necessary, which will help the dentist make a plaster cast of your mouth. At the end of this consultation the dentist may find that another treatment option would be most beneficial to complete the changes you want.

Dental veneers will last numerous years, but they will not endure forever. Some maintenance and repairs will be necessary, but with good care porcelain veneers could last up to or exceed 10 years. To increase their lifespan you should always practice good oral home care. Try to avoid excessive forces like clenching and grinding your teeth. Lastly, minimizing staining influences will help them to sustain a bright and beautiful look giving you a gorgeous smile.

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